Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Woman on a Mission (Santa Barbara, that is)

Matt knows how to have FUN!
We paused on our drive up the coast with a breakfast at Esau's in Carpenteria. I had been there many years ago and their wheat germ pancakes drew me back. Matt tried the French Toast that was encrusted with Corn Flakes. While they were extremely short-handed, the food was GREAT (are we eating well, or what?!) and then Matt and I took a leisurely walk around the shops on Linden Street...

There were amazing chalk paintings on the asphalt in the main lot in front of the Misson Santa Barbara. Matt was not convinced that we needed to see the Mission, but he said it WAS interesting after we had done the self-guided tour.

Front porch of the Mission.
This is the same terra cotta tile that was in the sanctuary.

The interior gardens and the cemetary were very peaceful.
All the tourists who were there were very respectful. Lovely.

The Altar in the Sanctuary at the Mission Santa Barbara

Tromp l'oeil stonework and pillars in the relatively simple sanctuary of the Mission Santa Barbara. Plain wooden bench seats and terra cotta tile floors. Very nice atmosphere.
I thought that this statue of Mary was stunningly gorgeous.
And she had good lighting too.
Is it just me or is this statue of Jesus much more buff than you would think he would be, having just been crucified, and all.....

Saint Clare

St Francis and St Clare, two of my favorites. One of my patients has become a follower of St Clare. She told me that these two were fast friends in their lives. Interesting.

Tomorrow: Hearst Castle in San Simeon, then on to Pacific Grove

1 comment:

  1. I don't know St. Clare...but you are right, the sculpture of Mary is gorgeous. You took a beautiful picture of her.

    Jesus = buff? Never thought to wrap my head around that concept.
